Thanks so much for popping in to look at My Little 3 and Me.
I’ve really enjoyed creating the blog, it’s been great fun and I have to admit to having become just a teensy bit addicted. One of the things I love most is seeing the children get excited when they make something and it gets shown on here and when people stop by and comment on things too, it’s lovely, it really is. So thankyou.
Our little blog hasn’t been up and running for very long so we were amazed and terribly excited to find out that someone had nominated us for Best New Blog and Best Craft Blog in the MAD Blog Awards (Mum and Dad bloggers). Now whoever nominated us was not my Mum, I promise hand on heart, as she’s been away on her hols! So I’m counting it as a real nomination, YAY (little hop-skippety dance in the kitchen). Thankyou special person.
There are lots of voting categories and the blogs from each category that get the most nominations get through to the next round.
We are obviously over the moon that someone has nominated us and that is reward enough, but…it would obviously be amazing if we got even further. If you’ve enjoyed our blog and could find a couple of minutes to nip over to the MAD Award site and nominate us for Best New Blog or Best Craft Blog (or both) that would be amazing.
Click on the badge below to be taken to the nomination form: