Do you want to know how to make colored sand? Well you’ve come to the right place, and you’ll be glad to know that it is super easy! So easy in fact ,that my kids love to do it!
Sand art and sand crafts are so pretty and a lot of fun for children. The trouble is, buying coloured sand is quite expensive and it often comes in very small bottles that really go no where at all!
And rather than inspiring kid’s creativity, the limitation of the amount available and the range of colours and cost can actually end up leaving everyone feeling frustrated!
Well, you don’t need to worry about any of that anymore! It’s actually so easy and cheap to make your own coloured sand, you’ll never want to buy it again!
And of course you can choose exactly how much or how little coloured sand to make and the perfect colours for your particular sand craft project too! Perfect!
It’s so quick and easy to make Coloured Sand. My children thoroughly enjoyed making a wide range of colours in just minutes. They loved doing it so much they wanted to make a video to show you how it’s done.
You can see their “How To Make Coloured Sand” video below and there are written instructions too.
It’s the first time they’ve tried filming a tutorial and I think they’ve done a marvellous job. We hope you like it too.
Supplies To Make Coloured Sand
How To Make Coloured Sand
Put 5 heaped spoons of slightly damp sand into your bag. (Damp sand takes on the colour better than dry sand.)
Seal your Ziplock bag and shake like crazy to thoroughly mix the sand and the powder paint. The children love doing this bit!
You’ll see that the sand has turned a fantastic colour. Now just leave your bag open or spread the sand out on a tray to dry for a few hours. When the sand is wet the colour may transfer to your hands.
Once it’s dry it’s ready for all your fun sand art and sand craft projects. Perhaps you’ll sprinkle it for Rangoli patterns or stick it on to pictures for sand art?
Make Any Coloured Sand You Like!
As Biscuit said in the video you can make any colour of sand you like as long as you have that colour of powder paint. Don’t forget you can mix the powder paints together too to give you a greater variety. We found mixing the powder paints together before adding them to the sand worked best.
Storing Homemade Coloured Sand
You can have a great time using your coloured sand for all sorts of sand art and sand craft. Once the sand is dry it will keep stored in its sealed bag indefinitely.
Nothing’s Wasted
When you’re using your coloured sand don’t worry if sand spills and the colours get mixed. We still keep all of this mixed sand to use in projects as we think it still looks really pretty.
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